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Mapping multiple columns to a single field

This guide demonstrates how to use manyToOne field setting to map multiple columns to a single field.

This setting is often useful when you wish for your users to include a variable number of columns that need similar validation.


For more detail about the manyToOne setting, see the reference page.

For our example, imagine a situation where we want to collect information for tax purposes. We need to collect an email, primary_earnings, and if applicable additional_earnings. Users will upload spreadsheets with columns matching email, primary_earnings and one or more columns for additional_earnings. Because the number of additional earnings columns can vary, we want to use a single field, additional_earnings and map all the additional earnings columns to it. We will validate and transform all the earnings values as USD currency.

Field Configuration

Adding the property manyToOne with the value true enables many to one mapping.

export const fields = [
label: 'Email',
key: 'email',
type: 'email'
label: 'Primary Earnings',
key: 'primary_earnings',
type: ['number', 'usd'],
label: 'Additional Earnings',
key: 'additional_earnings',
type: ['number', 'usd'],
manyToOne: true,

With this setting enabled, a user will be able to choose multiple columns and match them to the field without error.

many to one column mapping

Data Review Screen

With multiple columns mapped to one field, all the columns will have the label with a number indicating their order.

Note that validations defined in a manyToOne field apply to all mapped columns.

data review screen with many to one


Upon successful import, the results and metadata include all the values from the mapped columns and metadata indicating how the columns were mapped to the target schema.

Result Data

Each value from a manyToOne column appear in an array that is the value for the manyToOne field's key.

"email": "",
"primary_earnings": 8954.08,
"additional_earnings": [
"email": "",
"primary_earnings": 446.02,
"additional_earnings": [
"email": "",
"primary_earnings": 2175.84,
"additional_earnings": [

Result MetaData

The result metadata indicates which columns from the source file were mapped to which columns.

"id": null,
"filename": "earnings.csv",
"importIdentifier": "earnings",
"user": {
"id": "testUser"
"rowsWithError": [],
"rawHeaders": [
"fields": {
"email": {
"fileHeaderIndex": 0,
"fileHeader": "email",
"isCustom": false,
"manyToOne": false
"primary_earnings": {
"fileHeaderIndex": 1,
"fileHeader": "salary",
"isCustom": false,
"manyToOne": false
"additional_earnings": {
"fileHeader": null,
"fileHeaders": [
"fileHeaderIndex": null,
"fileHeaderIndexes": [
"isCustom": false,
"manyToOne": true
"errors": []


Row Hook

manyToOne fields can have their values changed and their info messages and validations set in row hooks.

dromo.registerRowHook(function (record) {
if (record.index !== 2) return record;

record.row.additional_earnings.manyToOne![0].value = 42.0;
record.row.additional_earnings.manyToOne![1].info = [
{ level: "error", message: "Invalid additional earning" },
return record;

Column Hooks

For manyToOne fields, a column hook callback registered for a manyToOne field will be invoked once for every mapped column.

dromo.registerColumnHook("additional_earnings", (values) => {
// Cap additional earnings at $5,000
return => {
if (v.value > 5000) {
return {
value: 5000,
info: [{ level: "info", message: "capped at $5000" }],
} else return v;

Step Hooks

Step hooks REVIEW_STEP and REVIEW_STEP_POST_HOOKS can be used to inspect column mapping at run time to see which columns were mapped to oneToMany fields.

The full data object supplied as an argument to the step hook will resemble this:

"fields": {
"email": {
"fileHeaderIndex": 0,
"fileHeader": "email",
"isCustom": false,
"manyToOne": false
"primary_earnings": {
"fileHeaderIndex": 1,
"fileHeader": "salary",
"isCustom": false,
"manyToOne": false
"additional_earnings": {
"fileHeader": null,
"fileHeaders": [
"fileHeaderIndex": null,
"fileHeaderIndexes": [
"isCustom": false,
"manyToOne": true
"rawHeaders": [
"headerMapping": {
"email": "email",
"salary": "primary_earnings",
"gifts": "additional_earnings",
"bonuses": "additional_earnings"
dromo.registerStepHook("REVIEW_STEP", (_uploader, data) =>
console.log("manyToOne file headers", data.fields.additional_earnings.fileHeaders);
// ["gifts", "bonuses"]
console.log("manyToOne file indexes", data.fields.additional_earnings.fileHeaderIndexes);
// [2, 3]